One Book to Rule Them All

You would think that with all the resources online to learn how to code it would be hard to find a book that could compete with the immersive experience that the web offers.

And you would be wrong.

If any newcomer wanted to learn HTML and CSS  and they asked me where they should start, I would point them to a handful of online resources (Hello Treehouse, Codecademy, Shay Howe and Dash).

I would also include a book.  Yes, a book.

Jon Duckett’s HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites is unlike any other book I’ve read on HTML and CSS.

It is beautifully laid out, presents information at an even pace and makes use of colors, typography, layout and all the attributes that HTML and CSS make possible on the web to make learning front-end skills a pleasure.  And it’s a book.

But wait, there’s more…

Mr. Duckett just released his next book that covers Javascript and jQuery.

Which means once you get your HTML and CSS ninja skills you can jump to Javascript and jQuery and make your beautiful sites truly interactive.

I just received my copy today and I’ll be sure to share a review once I finish it.  Stay tuned.